
mini beat clubInfo Udo SchoebelKiKANiNCHENDie Wiege des guten GeschmacksBadesalzradio eins RADIO SHOWDie Sendung mit der Mauscleanin womanthomas dChez BellesFacebookKurt KrömerSex AngelsShy GuysKarl Antonracing beatsSchurkeFILM MUSICContact / Imprint


THIS WEBSITE in GERMAN *** KARLCHEN songs in GermanSwedish and DUTCH at SPOTIFY *** KÖRPERKLAUS and the WACKELDACKEL with their song SIMPLY GUT in the SENDUNG MIT DEM ELEFANTEN *** 100 years of RADIOSHOW on Oct 13th in the rbb-SENDESAAL with Helge Schneider, Dota Kehr & Olli Schulz and the miniBEATclub *** NEW!! BADESALZ_TV *** THOMAS D and UDO SCHÖBEL with the WDR-FUNKHAUSORCHESTER LIVE 2022 in the radio show HAIRLICH *** The original FRISÖR video with THOMAS D 1998 ***KIKANINCHEN-Lieder-TONIE-“DIE MISCHUNG MACHT´S”- best-seller *** PITTIPLATSCH-Birthday Song *** KIKANINCHEN CD: PARTY-MIX produced by KRUTSCH! *** miniBEATclub song: 3 MINUTES-LIVE in the radioeins RADIOSHOW *** SENDUNG MIT DER MAUS: WANDA WALFISCH with Sophie Rois *** SENDUNG MIT DER MAUS : GUTE NACHT CAROLA by and with KURT KRÖMER *** KONTEXT article about HotSpotOfArt exhibition by UDO SCHÖBEL in Stuttgart *** 1x PLATINUM, 1x GOLD for KIKANINCHEN DVD´s *** KIKANINCHEN is the most popular TV character among German preschoolers *** UDO SCHÖBEL at wikipedia